A vibrant streetscape campaign to reimagine Downtown Bloomington.

Partnering with CMT Engineering , Workbench/Hewn Architects, and the City of Bloomington, we helped create a fresh campaign that shared the new downtown streetscape vision. We wanted to create a campaign name that embraced every person and place. So we crafted Downtown for Everyone. From naming to messaging, we designed an animated vision film, custom illustrations, a new wordmark, and a website where we brought the architectural renders to life with sound and animation.

Custom Animated Vision Film
Animation, illustration, & sound.
We created an animated wordmark, and added animated motion to the architectural renders with custom sound design to bring each concept to life. We also worked on ways to promote the new campaign throughout town with window murals, pole banners, and more.
Adding animation and sound to the architectural renderings.
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Custom sound design to bring each scene to life.
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